hello from WA


New elf
Jul 29, 2022
So many questions, many answered after days of experiments but a few remain.

Using xLights, with an ESP8266 driving 33 cols x 18 rows (total 594) of WS2811 Addressable BULLET LED Pixels. (6 x 100 pixel strings)

As best as I can tell these RGB nodes(pixels) can have each channel range from 0 - 255.

1. Why does the brightness slider range from 0 - 400 given the above?

2. Why does the following brightness level settings produce the following actual values sent to the controller.?

Request Level -> Level sent
1 -> 2
2 -> 5
3 -> 7
4 -> 10
5 -> 12
6 ->15
10 -> 25
20 -> 51
100 - > 255 (this kinda makes sense as 100% = max brightness, but then why does the slider go to 400)

There are many work arounds at my disposal, but I am curious why this behavior with default setting. It makes for difficult low level granular control without applying a workaround.

It is frustrating as using low level brightness makes the model and house previews invisible but clearly visible on the actual pixels.

Any insights, warmly welcome.

Cheerful Regards
