Answered HELP: Layered Arch Not Working


New elf
Jan 14, 2021
So I tried on a previous version. And then updated to this week's release, but still having same issue. XLights isn't diplaying layered arch correctly. Getting the below every time I change it to 3 layers. Bottom row shows the majority of nodes chosen and then 2nd and 3rd row have one node each and XLights is adding them to the node total. So if I have 50 it changes (by itself) to 52. Or 150 to 152. You can see those two nodes floating, centered above the bottom arch. What am I not seeing/brainfarting on. Have tried a few times to delete, re-create. Restart computer. Restart XLights. Same thing every time.
View attachment 22454
Cant see your attachment but, Im guessing where it says layers you need to click the plus and change the number of nodes in each layer individually

NVRMND. i'm an idiot. finally saw the + sign next to layers. smh. if someone knows how to delete a thread, by all means. i can't find it. which means nothing. clearly.
Which was me for a while the first time I tried to do a multi layered star
i would take this as consolation if i hadn't been utilizing a layered arch on the house for the last 2 years. 🤣 guess it's been THAT long since i modeled it. #oldhead