Welcome to ACL, Lots of info to absorb but there is a great community here that always helps where it can. Take your time to absorb the info as it does take some time, but if you stick at it in a couple of months the pieces will fall into place. This is a all year hobby for most. Feel free to jump into the chat room as well as there are ussually many members in there willing to help. So welcome to the hobby.
Welcome to ACL! Mostly lighting here, but some animation. Best place to start is this forum, chat, and this http://auschristmaslighting.com/wiki/AusChristmasLighting_101 . Feel free to say Hi in chat and ask as many questions as you want. Again Welcome
G'day H, welcome to ACL. You've come to the right place for information and inspiration. If you haven't already found it, this is a great place to start 101 manual
Welcome to ACL. ACT isn't that far from Sydney so I would try and make it to the Sydney mini if you can. You will get some great hands on experience and Q and A from some great people, plus the feed ain't bad either.