Hi everyone


New elf
Feb 15, 2021
Another beginner here from country sth aus.i have been reading and watching videos of all the marvellous displays and think it's time to have a crack myself .obviously will start off small and see how we go.
Welcome to ACL @Troy70 ,

My recommendations for starting out is a basic covering of the house and garden.
I had an effective coverage doing the roof outline and two arches for my first year. 350 pixels is nothing compared to others but it made a difference.

Enjoy ACL and and the fun of this hobby!
Ask questions on the forum, live chat or other groups external. We're happy to help.
Welcome to ACL.
There are upcoming mini Christmas expos being planned for a few months (covid restrictions pending). If you can get to 1 of those they are well worth getting to to learn a lot in a little time. There's actually a number of the past minis up on the ACL youtube channel.