Hi from Toowoomba


New elf
Dec 15, 2021
Hi, very new to this - have been putting up fairly ordinary christmas lights for a few years now and looking at going hi-tech so to speak - not quite sure where to start but I figured I would start planning now for 2022. I was planning on expanding the light sets that i have but have held off this year as I wasn't sure whether any of the existing sets that I have would be compatible with a controlled display. Have started having a read of the 101 Manual - seems to have a wealth of information in there but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at present. No doubt I'll have a few questions as I start of digest all that info so I'm looking forward to learning so I can put on a great display next year.
welcome aboard..... you've come along at the right time, because everyone has their display up, and if you're local to one of us, you'll usually welcome to drop by and introduce yourself, and most of the time we'll be happy to show you around.
Hi there Aprilant, yep start with the 101 Manual, read it about 5 times, watch a heap of canispater xmas videos on youtube are a very good starting place to your head around everything. There a couple of us in Toowoomba doing synchronized lights, Im at 1 McGee Drive, Kearneys Spring. Feel free to drop in and I will show you my setup, as it helps alot seeing a setup in place and working.