Hi, I'm from Louisiana, U.S.A.


Computers, music, audio, video, electronics
Jan 19, 2012
Lake Arthur, Louisiana
Retired electrician, 70 year old just getting into Christmas light displays.

My first time playing with this Christmas lighting was to do a display for a locale
family in my home town. About 40,000 LEDs & 192 LOR Channels.
Damn, now I just got to do my own home in 2012.
I learned a hell of a lot very fast on this display.
I now have the latest LOR & LSP software to learn & master for 2012.
I may be posting 24/7 on this forum so please be easy on this 70 year old.
It's not my fault, I just happened to come alone before most of you.
Hell, I may be one of your uncles......LOL

I would be very thankful for any comments or help to improve it, from ya'll.
Thanks: oldmanfathertime1000 :} <3

Here is the link to the show I did;
If the link doesn't work, on youtube.com enter martin family christmas lights


to ACL Oldman

Lot of information in the forums and Wiki.
If that’s not enough, there is the chat room also.
No such thing here as silly or dumb questions, so if you can't find what you are looking for or don't understand something please ask.
Welcome to ACL, a perfect hobby for a retired electrician, i myself am an electrician but am now in management so this is a way to still play with the tools. The fact that you are an electrician already puts you miles ahead than most as you already understand the basic principles of electricity and design. So ask away in the forum as there are many willing to help and im sure you will have a fantastic display for 2012
Welcome to ACL oldmanfathertime1000.
Good to see your not shy, You'll fit in well here.
We look forward to your thousands of questions.