Hi to everyone


New elf
Nov 22, 2020
I’m looking to get started with synchronized music with lighting.I was looking to start with lighto Rama start up kit ready set up but not good for Australian voltage .now can someone help me to get this project going?
Welcome here. Definitely take a good look at the 101 manual. I read it three times before I started. I’m not familiar with light o Rama but there are lots in this group that can help you get started. Enjoy!
Welcome to ACL. What part of Vic are you in @Befsta ? There's lots of Vic members and there may be someone nearby to you on the display locations map.
You're much better off going with either DMX DC boards or pixel boards rather than LOR AC stuff. The LOR AC boards work out to be about the single most expensive way to control lights per channel. Plus in Australia most of our lights are actually low voltage with a plugpack in between and the AC boards can't be used with plugpacks.