How does one buy from j1sys?


New elf
May 28, 2011
I went to the web site, and the store isn't ready yet. On the ebay store/link, I only see the pickits and adapters. Is there a link or page one can order the pixel controllers from?
if you send an email to with the items that you wish to purchase, you will get a personalised quote from Ed
So there is no product list with pricing available? THat one can puruse? I didn't find any on the web site.
I found Fasteddy's J1SYS Product Matrix very helpful! It has all the info you are looking for ;)
Look in the WIKI under Controllers.

I've been trying to get some items myself. The last update I received on email from Ed on the 19th was that he's busy getting the new P12S out to production. He said he has stock of P2, D2 & D4 and I hope he will get my items out soon!
I've often wondered why he doesn't have a more techy website with a shopping cart, but I've never had any issues with ordering by email and paying the invoice like the website says to. Seems like it leaves a lot of room for error for people that don't follow directions exactly (or see the directions). But as easy and free as shopping carts and inventory databases are are, I'm sure he must have some reason for not having one.
Not complaining. Just odd that if one is perusing, one has to go to a third party site to get the product information and still not have base pricing to do some trade offs.

But I understand the process now.
nato595 said:
I've often wondered why he doesn't have a more techy website with a shopping cart, but I've never had any issues with ordering by email and paying the invoice like the website says to. Seems like it leaves a lot of room for error for people that don't follow directions exactly (or see the directions). But as easy and free as shopping carts and inventory databases are are, I'm sure he must have some reason for not having one.
to knowledge there was scope to enhance his website, unsure what the ongoing plan was however, I know there was a mock page created by Harrison which may just be waiting for Ed's parusal and agreement. Again, dont quote me on that