How long?


Full time elf
Dec 11, 2012
How long does it normally take to order the Joshua system?

I sent off a request a few days a go, and don't want to email again if it normally takes a week to get the invoice.

Just after a time frame, before I think about sending another email.
From email to invoice, was 8 days for me. I sent the email 12/21 during the christmas break. They replied stating they were on holiday. I got the invoice 12/28. I received my P2,5 days after invoice received/payment sent.
I'm not HoHoHoed at the delay, just more trying to get a timeline, if he normally replied same day, I would then email him, but if he normally takes a week, then I know to wait for a week or so.

Thanks for letting me know though, greatly appreciate it.
Yeah I'm anxious to buy one also...I emailed friday and was starting to wonder if my email got lost.
as lithgow says Ed is a one man show so it does take him a little time to get back to you but well worth the wait for the quality product he sells
Normally when I'm waiting for something I get really HoHoHoy.

Waiting for my invoice email is like looking at that present under the christmas tree, you know what it is, but you can't play with it.

The other issue is someone has nicked all the calendars.

Seriously, I'm excited as hell knowing I'm getting started, I made the first decision, and learning more and more.

Ps. Just in case it reads wrong, let me assure you I'm as happy as!
Just received and paid my I would expect yours soon. Now I'm just waiting for signs of life for my china order.

i think i've caught up. since i don't know WHO binkles is, i searched my emails for rockingham and can't find any. please advise.

Typical of me :) it should be hillman which is just off Rockingham.
Laurence Merraine.
I've just paid for mine, if I hadn't of stuffed my ankle yesterday, I would be running around the house giggling like a schoolgirl.
Oh you're going to regret that offer. ;)

I'm now looking at lights and will then start playing!