How to set node numbering in xlights?


New elf
Dec 18, 2021
Hey all,

Total newbie at xlights here.

I'm trying to build a mini tree thats using seed pixels in a single string. There's 95 pixels (total) in the tree, going up and down in a zigzaging way. To keep the spacing correct, it means one pixel per strand is hidden at the top/bottom (alternating). To keep everything right in xlights, I need to disable/null pixels 15, 31, 47, 63 and 79, but I cant for the life of me see how to program that in.

Below is a knock up of the node numbering.


I could cut the pixel out and resolder, but I feel thats not the best solution here.

Any hints?
Thanks, found a way to do it via custom prop but not ideal. I’ll see if there’s a better way to do it via hardware, just had hoped not to have to cut all the strings!
I would create a custom model as you say, then add 2 sub-models, 1 for active nodes in your mini tree, and 1 for null nodes. Sequence effects only to your active nodes. (ps. start your node numbering from 1 not 0)