How to set up smart receiver?


Apprentice elf
Mar 19, 2019
Hi, i'm doing a matrix and only need the 1 smart reciver coming coming off the main one, so the first connection would be 1A and the next on the other smart receiver is 1B. My question is when you go to assign the smart receivers in Xlights, i can see you can set it to just A, B, or C, or all 3 being ABC, or just BC.
I would have thought with 2 recivers it would make it A and B, but there is no where to select that, can anyone answer my question?
In the controller on the port config page, there is a small blue circle to the right of the port numbers. Click to expand the ports into the first (A) smart mode. Another circle appears, when clicked adds the B ports. The fist receiver is set as A and the second daisychained receiver as B. Turn on the termination swiches only on the B receiver.
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