Icicles and Wind


Apprentice elf
Nov 5, 2013
Has anyone had any success with treatment of Icicles to avoid problems with the wind blowing them onto the roof. I have icicles hanging from the roof gutter along the front of the house and if there is a decent breeze it will generally blow some of the icicles up onto the roof. I have thought about spraying something onto the strings to stiffen them up, but figured I would get some more opinions/experiences before I try anything. Thoughts?
Get some thin wire and twist it around each drop. They're less likely to flip up if they're stiffened.
I've rarely had this happen at all although I don't have them on gutters to catch the icicle drops. The way I mount the icicles is by using string to tie them to the screws that hold down the corrugated iron roof. I just cut short pieces and tie a loop in each end. I loop one end around the icicles and the other around a screw once I'm up there.

I make the string long enough that the main wire of the icicles hangs nearly 10cm below the height of the roof. I actually didn't realise your problem would have occurred if I had hung them higher.
Thanks all, for the suggestions.

I had thought about adding weight the the lights, maybe sinkers? - but it all seemed to difficult.

I hadn't considered twisting some wire around, that could certainly do the trick.

i13 - Could you post a picture of how you have your icicles, it sounds interesting - thanks.
The problem with weights on the end of each string is knowing how much weight to add. Too little and it will have no effect. In strong winds, you just end up making each string a dangerous weapon. If you add too much weight, it puts a strain on the wires and could damage your icicles.

Twisting wire around them may not stop the problem, but it will help. Perhaps even run a length of fishing line between each string so if they do move, they'll have to move as one.
Charger said:
i13 - Could you post a picture of how you have your icicles, it sounds interesting - thanks.
This is just a demonstration; I won't be decorating a chicken coop for Christmas.

It still works with the actual roof being angled at about 20 degrees because it is the front of an A-frame. I hope the angle is not the reason my lights don't flip onto the roof.

It's a pain to put the lights up this way because they fall off while I'm putting them up. I've never had them fall off once the entire set of lights is up. Some of the roof screws are not as tight as those in the picture so the piece of string ties around them better. Also note that the string I used (I think it might be nylon) barely lasted the season in the sun; cotton seems better.


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The way I do mine is attach the icicles to conduit and then using cable tie mounts attach to the facia under the gutter. You might be able to see in the pic attached from last years set up. Using this method I've found that they have rarely been able to get blown up onto the roof.


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