Importing LOR data into existing xlights sequence


Full time elf
Jan 4, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Is there a way to bring in new data for some of my channels from an LOR file without losing all the Nutcracker effects I've already created for a sequence?
just do the import again.

you have wizards.mp3,wizards.lms,wizards.xseq,wizards.xml

1) convert wizards.lms into wizards.xseq. Any previous data in xseq is gone as this erases the file
2) Go into xlights , open xseq. add models, add timing rows, create nutcracker effects
3) Press save.
Now the xseq will have the xlights data rendered/merged into the existing xseq. wizards.xseq
We also update/create the xml. wizards.xml

What if you change LOR
(1) and then go into xLights and press save. The xml file will tell xlights what nutcracker effects there are and will merge those effects into your xseq.

so, yes.
jest reconvert, open in xlights and resave.
no Nutcracker effects will be lost
Ok thanks....that's what I thought it would do but I messed up the process. I think I tried to open up the modified LOR file and forgot it needed to be converted so when I opened it I saw all the effects disappear.