Importing VSA files for RC Servo Control to XLights


Funding & Tech Support
Oct 5, 2010
Have fitted a single RC servo to each of 5 pumpkins and created a show with VSA


All works great until I try to set up and a import into XLights.
XLights set up has 5 single DMX models each has one DMX channel with one servo and have unchecked the 16 bit box.
Import seems to go OK but despite trying for a few days no luck to get the pumpkins to sing with XLights - no movement when the sequence runs.

I am using an AVD 718 which is set up for 5 RC servos (not pixels) which I have connected via EthConGateway for e.31 to DMX conversion.
When I choose test mode in XLight I can control the servos so this seems to be all OK.

Any Suggestions??

Thanks Tuppetsdad
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May or may not be relevant but does VSA use 0 to 511 and DMX uses 1 to 512. Are your channels out by one. Also does VSA use 2 channels per servo.
Pumpkins look awesome BTW
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Thanks Grozzy. XLight converter sorts out the addressing OK. I think VSA does use two channels but only have 5 channel board....
Thanks Grozzy. XLight converter sorts out the addressing OK. I think VSA does use two channels but only have 5 channel board....
Oh yes apologies you are importing.
When you say it works in test mode you mean that you have created a test XLights sequence and added the 5 DMX servos and you are using a servo effect to open close.
Thanks Grozzy - sorted. Just my understanding of the way 16 bit servos work. Needed your prompt to make me look into this. Happy little pumpkins now.
Now moving onto linear actuators for some more fun.
Glad you got them sorted. I'm playing with a PCA9685 board directly attached to a pi 3 running FPP. Took me forever to work out (more like trial and error then fluke) that I needed to dial down the servos from 65535 to only 255. 🤣🤦🏼‍♂️
Glad you got them sorted. I'm playing with a PCA9685 board directly attached to a pi 3 running FPP. Took me forever to work out (more like trial and error then fluke) that I needed to dial down the servos from 65535 to only 255. 🤣🤦🏼‍♂️
Hi Grozzy, I have been scratching my head trying to set up PCA9685 using pi 4 and really can't get it to talk to xlights. What are the steps you have done to get it to work?

I have output the servo on FPP like:

and xlights:
Is there anything that I am doing wrong?
Thank you
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