Indoor Christmas tree barrier/fence option


Full time elf
Nov 7, 2019
S.E Melbourne
Hey guys, I'm sure someone would have a neat and creative idea in here.

This Christmas we have a young toddler who will be visiting us alot over the Christmas period, and Id like to know what you guys have used to keep the young ones off your indoor Christmas trees,

I had a quick look at bunnings and they had a couple of options, but just thought I'd check in and see what you guys have used over the years,

Bonus points for pics and if possible I'd like sort of a Christmas themed version of a play pen
One idea I can think of is a wireless speaker.
Press a remote button and some scary voice says to back away from the Christmas tree.

There can also be measures to secure the tree in case it tries to fall. Like a strap holding it to a wall or a very heavy base.
Securing decorations with twist ties might stop them from being pulled off.

I'll give credit to @Nojoy for their brilliant ideas ;) :laugh:.