is it possible

the grinch

I guess I could use a little social interaction
Jun 23, 2013
angle vale s.a.
Ok here goes my question is I have two animated sequences 1st is basically most of display 2nd is driveway arches and is only a single timing track that I would like to add to main sequence .? Both sequences are different lengths . Now for others too understand we have a big popular display and I enjoy using all the effects of xlights . Although these 2 tracks wont synchronize as such and that is my evil plan as i like all my elements doing cool and different stuff will save huge amount of time ! But will give me the ability too drop effects on whole display every now and then ! we have music playing in the background and amount of static and visual stuff plus virtual santa and santas workshop in another window . I learnt the expression of Lightspew from bradsxmaslights at this years adelaide mini and yeah thx punk lol ,but thats how we roll here and is very popular .
Any help will be very appreciated
So you want to copy over one timing track/animation sequence to another one? This sound about right? Cant you just copy and past sequence/timing 2 to the orginal one?
So you want to copy over one timing track/animation sequence to another one? This sound about right? Cant you just copy and past sequence/timing 2 to the orginal one?

Umm yeah not sure
The driveway arches is separate sequence but only single timing track as such is that possible ?
Export the timing track for the arches and import that into your main sequence then copy and paste everything in sequence 2 to sequence one and align it with the imported timing track
Thanks my man will go and get one of children slash adults too help !
Sorry am very puter illiterate
But so so cool I can do xlights stuff !
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