is LOR SuperStar Sequencer a "must have" for pixels?

A huge portion of the members of this forum do not use LOR software at all. The chances are that if they have "Vixen user with [number] channels" or "HLS user with [number] channels" at the end of their forum posts then they're using entirely free software. LightShow Pro is another alternative but you have to pay for it.

It's worth trying out software options and see which you prefer. The expensive options generally have a trial period/version.

Currently Vixen 3 seems to be gaining popularity the fastest on this forum.
Re: is LOR SuperStar Sequencer a "must have" for pixels?

i13 said:
Currently Vixen 3 seems to be gaining popularity the fastest on this forum.

It would be a close call between Vixen and Xlights. I'm an XL4 convert.
Re: is LOR SuperStar Sequencer a "must have" for pixels?

logandc99 said:
i13 said:
Currently Vixen 3 seems to be gaining popularity the fastest on this forum.

It would be a close call between Vixen and Xlights. I'm an XL4 convert.

I dont want to say this (being a vixen3 lover) but due to the fact people can import there shows (lor/lsp) into xlights4, Currently it would have to be the most popular
I am still an LOR S4 user, but use XL4 for some of my props.

May end up converting to XL4 at some point.

I have not made up my mind on what I will be doing as I just have not had the time.

Some feel that free is the only reasonable sequencer price, but I bought LightShowPro instead of LOR's software and have been thrilled.

Xlights is gaining on some features of other sequencers and ahead in others.

Vixen is under active development and has a loyal following, LOR is under active development by a former Xlights programmer, LightShow pro is under stealth complete re-write with only a couple of video teases in 2 years.

Try them all, you will invest a LOT of time learning any off them. If you go xlights, you are pretty much going to have to learn FPP and get one of those going too.
XYrZbest said:
smartalec said:
vixen3 or xlights ... both are free an are the best around currently

awesome, does it work with LOR S3/S4

I put all the effects you can do in SuperStar into xLights and even provided the capability to import a SuperStar file into xLights with the end result that you get xLights editable effects. Nobody else can do that. We have a lot of users that primarily use LOR and then use xLights to add additional effects to their sequences. xLights is the only sequencer that attempts to be able to import from and export to all the other sequencers so yes you can work in LOR and use xLights as long as you get everything setup in both programs such that the channels map together.

As far as SuperStar there are things it can do that xLights can't and the major thing I can remember is some of the auto-sequencing features. In SuperStar you can map particular effect types to certain frequencies and restrict them to certain models and have it auto-generate effects for a selected range or the whole song. Sometimes that can come out halfway decent and I've used it to fill in sections of a song when I was low on time.

I added some improvements to some of the effects like my Morph can have a 4 color tail and with the repeat and stagger options you can create some pretty cool effects with a single effect definition.