Is there anything new for leaping Arches???


Dec 19, 2016
Hi All,

I’m now back into my planning phase again for this year’s Christmas lights.

As well as the other props that I had planned for last year (3 spinners and some roof outlines), but didn’t finish in time, I’m also hoping to build some new Jumping Arches.

All going well, I’m hoping to make up 10 x 1m Arches, which would have around 3m of lights for half their circumference.
So what I’d like to know is:

  1. What Tube is the best to use?
    I’m currently thinking about using:
    Air Seeder LDPE Hose 32mm x 38mm x 15m POLYETHYLENE tube

  2. Which lights would give the best results?
    I was just going to use Strip lights, with a little tension on them (maybe a small spring on each end) to keep them in place and all facing up:
    Or is there something better (e.g. an Addressable Rope light for 360° of light) I could use instead?

  3. Cooling?
    As I live in Queensland Australia, Christmas is in our summer and it gets quite hot. So the question I have is, should I install a small 12v fan on one end of the tube, to encourage airflow, or would this just be overkill?
Any assistance or thoughts on this project would really be appreciated.
I reckon there is improvements to be done on arches, the basic idea of a half circle won't change though.
Around January; @OzAz shared a picture from a christmas light display of a spiral arch. Most on the chat like the name slinky arch.


The idea could be done with a continuous spiral or individual circles. You could have a normal seeder tube arch in the middle as well. Would look very nice with pixels.
And don't use strip! ;)
The main reason, IMO, that people are needing to repair strips so often, is that they put too much tension on them. The strips are made up of lots of 5 and joined using solder. Solder is very soft and prone to breaking. When you put tension on the strips you are forcing it to stay still while it naturally wants to move. All thinks expand and contract with heat and cold, so as they expand, they go loose, when they contract, they get tight. If you have tension on them, something eventually has to give, so at the solder joint, it does.
So in answer to what you said, your idea is sound, just don't apply too much tension, and if you do use springs, make sure they are weak ones.
Personally I have just the wires running through a cable gland, but loose inside the tube to allow for movement.
I use strips in my spinners and have had two strips fail over time. Each time the failure was one of the manufacturer's solder joins.
No tension on these, just Queensland's stinking hot sun beating down on them day in day out in December.
I now touch up every solder join before using strips - they still have their place in my display.
Get your butt to the Brisbane Mini May 18-19 in Ipswich for some ideas. - you need to register to attend
Seeder hose is the most popular.
Not many people use strip lights - mainly because they are a pain to repair.
The fan would be overkill and probably a waste of your time?

Thanks for the heads-up on the Brisbane Mini, I'll double check my dates and hopefully be able to register. :)
If not strip lights, what would you recommend, to keep the spacing even and not to have wire outlines visible?
If you can handle a 30m roll I found the Air Seeder tube cheaper here. Despite what the website says they only sell by the roll, not per metre. Shipping was $60 to Sydney, but still worked out cheaper that Esdan. I ordered 30m just now.
Yep $135 - but I suggest asking for a cheaper shipping option, might save more - I wish I had asked this question...
There's a guy in the states that has full circles (not sure if they are pex/hdpe) they look pretty cool