Hi all - I am a newbie specifically interested in working with RGB pixels - GE ColorEffects to be precise to create what I've seen termed variously as "color organs" or "music visualizers", i.e. I'd like to drive lots of individually addressable RGB pixels with real-time audio (typically music) for our backyard entertainment. So far I've identified the SanDevices E682 board as a viable controller, as it directly supports the GE ColorEffects device and is a reasonable price in USD. Beyond these components however I'm a bit miffed about the upstream generation of the incoming (E1.31) from the audio source - mathematically I understand the underlying DFT/FFT and digital filtering in general are applied - but haven't yet sorted out what this means in terms of lighting control software, and exactly how the audio stream (MIDI? Apple Lossless? MP3? Flac?) is mapped on to the device's color spectrum to generate the E.31 output. I'd like to accomplish this on a personal budget without tipping into heavyweight costs - as I'm doing this for fun and to entertain our neighborhood over the summer months (of course along with some kind of cool Christmas lighting) and perhaps with an ambient component (we live in an urban university environment, lots of possible audio event sources).