just saying and a little about me


Dedicated elf
May 2, 2010
this is my first year with a Synchronised light display. I'm using LOR 32 and mytbright lights and hopefully there strobe lights also.

i have made a 2 channel star from scratch so far and 8 mini trees to date.
built my LOR box. upgraded the electrical board to the house to make sure everything is up to standards.

have also created my own website.


have a look and let me know what you think
Welcome Ben it doesn't matter if your new or your old (like Phil) we all learn from eachother.

I had a 64 channel LOR setup last year, and this year Ive got a bit more ambitious, I'm sure you will do the same. LOR is a good starting point to keep it simple for the first year but as you want to get bigger you will want to save some money and as well get some extra joy out of the hobby.

So feel free to ask questions, read the posts, you will find that we are a helpful bunch