Lights question


Apprentice elf
Nov 1, 2015
Hi all, I was wondering where everyone buys their lights?, and what type you tend to buy?, I'm new to this and am going to get a controller soon... before next x'mas anyway, and was thinking the best thing maybe just to get new lights, light RGB lights, etc... but then wondered where everyone got them from.
I can see some people have old shop bought ones, but what about new ones?

thanks again all. looking forward to seeing everyone show off their displays over the coming months!..

Hi Andi.

Another seller from China is Ben Brown. He is often in the chat room so you can speak with him directly.
I've found him to be just as reliable, if not a little quicker to get back to you than Ray.

As for what type to buy, that's a bit of an open ended question. There are pros & cons for various lights for different situations. Personally I'm using WS2811 12v strip for roof and garage outline, and WS2811 5v pixel nodes for signs. There there's floods, ropelights, P10 panels.... the list goes on.

Perhaps have a look at some photos or videos in the gallery and see what you like and inquire further about what lights are used in those elements and go from there.
Great thanks guys, i've been looking at all the pretty lights, I'll wait till our dollar gets a bit better... hopefully soon!.. or before x'mas 2016! anyway..
do you have a link to Ben Browns page at all djgra79?

Thanks again for all your help... everyone.
I buy from Ray Wu as well. He's not as quick as he used to be but I stick with him because the quality is still good and he has a reputation for fixing issues with orders. I have not tried BenBrown largely because I've been very satisfied with Ray since before BenBrown joined ACL so I have no reason to change suppliers. I have not heard anything negative about items from BenBrown though.

Really the choice to make is what type of lights you want. There's dumb RGB but IMO pixels are a more worthwhile because dumb RGB only allows you to control the entire light set as a single RGB light and doesn't allow individual control. The pixels fall into two common categories; those that are WS2811-compatible and those that are WS2801-compatible. The 2811 type is cheaper and popular with relatively new pixel users including me. It's also simpler to wire up because there are only three wires at each end of the pixel strings/strips. WS2811-compatible light sets also include WS2812B and INK1003. The 2801-compatible light sets have the main advantage that they're more reliable, tolerate a larger range of clock rates and they can have longer distances of wire between pixels without needing a null pixel. There are other types but they're not commonly used on this forum so I haven't picked up the required knowledge to compare them.
Thank you all so much. I will look at both suppliers and see who I'll go with.. knowing me I'll swap between both..
Thanks so much again.