LightShow Studio Public Beta


New elf
Jun 14, 2010
Rockwall, TX
After a long delay we are now ready to begin the public beta for LightShow Studio!
The Beta can be downloaded from the following site:

After registering you will receive the download link and a temporary beta license key to allow you to export. You will also be given a link to report issues and provide enhancement requests.
A new LightShow Pro Scheduler 2.8 has been uploaded to the LightShow Pro website to allow for loading of the exported files that LightShow Studio creates. The sequencer also exports Minelon NDB format and FPP format if those are your preferential playback tools.
We appreciate your patience and look forward to providing a great user experience in sequencing. We have a lot of enhancement plans still, but wanted to provide a preview of what's to come. LSS has been written from the ground up incorporating great capabilities from LSP while also providing a framework for better performance, a easy to use interface, year to year display growth and sequence re-use, and custom plugin interfaces for user additions.

We plan on providing updates on our LightShow Studios Facebook page as we progress through development.

If you want to stay in the loop on video sessions and other development changes, please feel free to join the Facebook group on that page. Our internal beta testers are also in the group to provide assistance if needed.

LightShow Studio Team


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
It's a bit sad that the only thing on the site is a link to the beta. There's no info whatsoever on it's features, pricing, demo or anything else. I bought a LSP license years ago but with no info on what it offers I don't think it's worth looking at LS* options :(


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
Unfortunately at least 2 years too late. I'm not signing up for something I don't even know what it is (based on website)
As above I too paid for software license that I could not use or was not supported. I'll stick with free software that is powerful, widely used, and updated almost weekly with both bug fixes & enhancements as requested by the users.
LSP/LSS would have to pack some serious punch and features never seen before in order to take any sort of market share back again - and it had better be free or next to it too.


New elf
Jun 14, 2010
Rockwall, TX
Apologies, we are still working on a full up site and pricing is yet to be determined. Our current plan is that most 2.8 users will get a free key when we finally release. The features are very similar to LSP although we are still working on integrating some features that were in LSP.
We have taken a different route to sequencing and have primarily followed a object based macro sequencing style.
We have also gone to a project based architecture that allows for multiple sequences to be part of a project that all share a single display. Modifying your display each year is made simpler in that once you make the modifications, you can just rebuild your effects if the modifications were done on existing objects, or you can just sequence the new objects. In the future we plan on allowing multiple display setups to allow for sequences to use the display of choice.
The controllers are abstracted away from the sequencing to allow for easier sharing of sequences.
Macros generate much faster now and allow for multiple types of blending and transformations.
Display rendering for preview playback is very fast due to direct graphics drawing using OpenGL.
Macro, effect, audio, export and other plugin capability allows the user community to develop the features they want, when they want.
Currently we allow timing marks to be imported from audacity or old LSP files. We are working on integrating timing marks generated from the audio file directly.
LSS still has layer capability, but we have also integrated another layer called object. So basically you can have a layer of layers if you want.
The file storage is using a database instead of xml as it used to. This allows us to make queries much faster on the data and also allows to build relationships between different types of data for easier binding of information across the project.
We are providing support for exporting multiple scheduler playback types (LSP, FPP, Minleon), but it is a plugin architecture so more can be added easily.
There is no limitation on channel account or universe count for sequencing.
We still have quite a large enhancement list that we are working from and also still trying to get other functionality that was useful in LSP integrated. We also have a list of bugs we are working through, but we finally felt it was stable enough to release publicly.

Feel free to try it out if you want, if not, that's okay too. There is no obligation for signing up to try out the beta. The only thing we hope for is that if you try it out, you can provide feedback on how we can improve it.
I hope this answers some of the questions in regards to features and some future plans.



Full time elf
Dec 18, 2011
I sent money on LSP also and only got to use it 1 year. Also just tired to register for the beta trial just to have a look see what they have done, the bloody link the sent in the email doesn't work so that gives me a lot of confidence in the beta version...not.


New elf
Jun 14, 2010
Rockwall, TX
Just for follow-up, you will first receive a confirmation email where you will need to click on the "Yes, Subscribe me to the list". This will in turn send another email after you go through the "I am not a robot" check. We did this to keep from having spammers get on the list. The emails that are sent may go into your spam folder since they are being sent from an automated system.

Just message us on the FB page and we can quickly resolve issues as they arise.



Full time elf
May 12, 2010
I too fell for this software and purchased it only to find that the following year it was limited to a small number of Universes. I was forced to purchase the software upgrade only to find that again it was not the version and functionality which I originally purchased. After a long argument with the developer resulting in being banned from the site I was finally issued with a still hobbled license which I ended up not using due to unstable software (even with much better than spec machine)

I too went back to alternate free offerings offered by the community. Which IMHO are much better and functional than LSP.

I am not going to waste my time developing on this software again.