LOR conversion seems broken


Full time elf
Jan 4, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I used xLights to convert all my LMS sequences last year using 3.2.10 and everything worked fine. I moved some universes around due to a new element this year and the import using version 3.6.7 is totally screwed up. It says channels are unmapped that are I know are mapped just fine. I reinstalled version 3.2.10 and I can convert this years LMS file just fine and then play it in version 3.6.7 but if I use version 3.6.7 to do the conversion half the channels aren't mapped correctly.
CopperCreekLights said:
I used xLights to convert all my LMS sequences last year using 3.2.10 and everything worked fine. I moved some universes around due to a new element this year and the import using version 3.6.7 is totally screwed up. It says channels are unmapped that are I know are mapped just fine. I reinstalled version 3.2.10 and I can convert this years LMS file just fine and then play it in version 3.6.7 but if I use version 3.6.7 to do the conversion half the channels aren't mapped correctly.

can you post a screen shot of the conversion screen. Dan Kulp fixed many small bugs in the LOR conversion routine last summer. Ill cross post this to him
Ok below is the output and the file I'm converting. And if it helps everything in my setup is all mapped to DMX so my LOR sequences all use DMX mappings. I do have channels in my LMS sequence that don't map to hardware. One is the beat channel that I use just to mark where the beats fall and I have extra dummy channels at the end of each of my 12 strings for last year's pixel tree which are only there so I can import sequence data from Superstar. Superstar treats them as LOR CCR's so there are 7 extra channels at the end of each ribbon. I create the channels in LOR but I don't map them to hardware which allows me to paste in the Superstar data and run it on my DIY rgb strips. Last year this method worked great with the older version of xLights. You can see in the version 3.6.7 conversion at the end where all my candy cane channels are like "Cane 1 (R)" it says they are unmapped but in LOR I have them all defined as Universe 27 channels 1 to 64. When I convert in 3.6.7 and run the converted sequence in the Preview I'm getting nothing on my first 2 arches and the 12 ribbon tree looks like everything is shifted over one string.

Here's a link to the file I'm converting:

And here's the output from converting this file using both versions of xLights:

Conversion using 3.2.10:

Reading: F:\xLights\2014\ReflectionsOfEarth_DMX.lms
Reading LOR sequence
Track 1 length = 21400 centiseconds
WARNING: channel 'Beat Track' is unmapped
# of mapped channels with effects=2790
# of effects=638903
Media file=ReflectionsOfEarth.mp3
New # of time periods=4280
New data len=40574400
Writing xLights sequence
Finished writing new file: F:\xLights\2014\ReflectionsOfEarth_DMX.xseq
Finished converting all files

Conversion using 3.6.7:

Reading: F:\xLights\2014\ReflectionsOfEarth_DMX.lms
Reading LOR sequence
Channels found so far: 1000
Channels found so far: 2000
Track 1 length = 21400 centiseconds
LOR Network 0: 1 channels
DMX Network 1: 150 channels
DMX Network 2: 150 channels
DMX Network 3: 150 channels
DMX Network 4: 150 channels
DMX Network 5: 150 channels
DMX Network 6: 150 channels
DMX Network 7: 150 channels
DMX Network 8: 150 channels
DMX Network 9: 150 channels
DMX Network 10: 150 channels
DMX Network 11: 150 channels
DMX Network 12: 150 channels
DMX Network 13: 0 channels
DMX Network 14: 0 channels
DMX Network 15: 0 channels
DMX Network 16: 0 channels
DMX Network 17: 0 channels
DMX Network 18: 0 channels
DMX Network 19: 0 channels
DMX Network 20: 0 channels
DMX Network 21: 0 channels
DMX Network 22: 0 channels
DMX Network 23: 0 channels
DMX Network 24: 0 channels
DMX Network 25: 326 channels
DMX Network 26: 502 channels
DMX Network 27: 192 channels
Total channels = 2875
WARNING: DMX 10.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 10.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 10.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 10.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 10.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 10.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 10.157 is empty
WARNING: DMX 11.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 11.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 11.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 11.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 11.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 11.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 11.157 is empty
WARNING: DMX 12.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 12.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 12.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 12.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 12.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 12.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 12.157 is empty
WARNING: channel 'Cane 1 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 1 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 1 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 2 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 2 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 2 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 3 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 3 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 3 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 4 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 4 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 4 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 5 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 5 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 5 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 6 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 6 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 6 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 7 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 7 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 7 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 8 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 8 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 8 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 9 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 9 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 9 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 10 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 10 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 10 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 11 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 11 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 11 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 12 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 12 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 12 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 13 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 13 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 13 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 14 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 14 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 14 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 15 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 15 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 15 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 16 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 16 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 16 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 17 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 17 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 17 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 18 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 18 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 18 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 19 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 19 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 19 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 20 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 20 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 20 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 21 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 21 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 21 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 22 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 22 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 22 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 23 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 23 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 23 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 24 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 24 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 24 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 25 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 25 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 25 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 26 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 26 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 26 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 27 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 27 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 27 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 28 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 28 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 28 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 29 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 29 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 29 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 30 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 30 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 30 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 31 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 31 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 31 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 32 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 32 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 32 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 33 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 33 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 33 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 34 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 34 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 34 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 35 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 35 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 35 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 36 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 36 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 36 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 37 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 37 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 37 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 38 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 38 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 38 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 39 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 39 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 39 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 40 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 40 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 40 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 41 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 41 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 41 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 42 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 42 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 42 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 43 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 43 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 43 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 44 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 44 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 44 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 45 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 45 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 45 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 46 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 46 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 46 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 47 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 47 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 47 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 48 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 48 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 48 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 49 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 49 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 49 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 50 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 50 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 50 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 51 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 51 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 51 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 52 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 52 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 52 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 53 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 53 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 53 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 54 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 54 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 54 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 55 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 55 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 55 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 56 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 56 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 56 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 57 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 57 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 57 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 58 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 58 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 58 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 59 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 59 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 59 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 60 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 60 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 60 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 61 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 61 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 61 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 62 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 62 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 62 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 63 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 63 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 63 (B)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 64 (R)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 64 (G)' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'Cane 64 (B)' is unmapped
Channels converted so far: 1000
WARNING: DMX 1 1 (R) and DMX 1.151 map to the same channel 150
WARNING: DMX 1.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 1.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 1.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 1.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 1.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 1.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 1.157 is empty
WARNING: DMX 2.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 2.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 2.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 2.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 2.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 2.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 2.157 is empty
WARNING: DMX 3.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 3.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 3.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 3.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 3.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 3.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 3.157 is empty
Channels converted so far: 2000
WARNING: DMX 4.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 4.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 4.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 4.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 4.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 4.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 4.157 is empty
WARNING: DMX 5.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 5.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 5.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 5.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 5.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 5.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 5.157 is empty
WARNING: DMX 6.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 6.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 6.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 6.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 6.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 6.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 6.157 is empty
WARNING: channel 'DMX 7.151' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'DMX 7.152' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'DMX 7.153' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'DMX 7.154' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'DMX 7.155' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'DMX 7.156' is unmapped
WARNING: channel 'DMX 7.157' is unmapped
WARNING: DMX 8.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 8.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 8.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 8.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 8.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 8.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 8.157 is empty
WARNING: DMX 9.151 is empty
WARNING: DMX 9.152 is empty
WARNING: DMX 9.153 is empty
WARNING: DMX 9.154 is empty
WARNING: DMX 9.155 is empty
WARNING: DMX 9.156 is empty
WARNING: DMX 9.157 is empty
# of mapped channels with effects=2599
# of effects=600734
Media file=F:\xLights\2014\ReflectionsOfEarth.mp3
New # of time periods=4280
New data len=40574400
Writing xLights sequence
Finished writing new file: F:\xLights\2014\ReflectionsOfEarth_DMX.xseq
Finished converting all files
You didn't include your xlights_network.xml so this is a bit hard to diagnose. However, you would need 28 outputs defined. One for the "LOR" network and 27 for the DMX universes. Right now, your LOR network would just have your beat track in it. You COULD delete that channel within LOR and that would not be there anymore.

For an upcoming xLights build, I just added a checkbox to the convert tab to have it ignore channels in LMS files that don't have a deviceType and network number. Thus, the Beat track would be ignored and you would just need to 27 outputs defined.
My outputs defined in xLights are fairly simple. Universes 1 through 12 have 150 channels each and universes 13 through 27 have 512 channels each. Here's the file if you want it:

I never had to define an LOR network before because the old version ignored those channels. If I did map it I'm sure it would come in first and mess up all my channel mappings in my 51 models which are numbered based on the way the channels used to import. I've been just using the old version to do my conversions.

Other than the import issue everything else is working great. Just a few things I'd change. When a model is copied it would be nice if it maintained the size of the original instead of having to resize every copy. Also the copies show up at the bottom corner almost all the way off the right side of the window. There is only 1 pixel visible to grab it and move it back over. But I'm not sure if you work on that part or just the conversion stuff.
Wow I didn't realize the update with that change was available immediately. :)

I tried the conversion in 3.6.8 with the new checkbox disabled and now it's converting ok. It seems slower than the older version but not a big deal since I don't need to convert very often.
It's likely a little slower for a couple reasons:

1) The old version loaded the entire LMS file into memory and then parsed it. The new versions just parse in small chunks (4K) at a time. A little bit slower, but allows processing LMS files that are 100's of megabytes with thousands and thousands of channels. Also, since we have to parse it twice, having it all in memory for that second parse was an advantage for the old version. We decided being able to handle the large channel counts was a bit more important now.

2) More book-keeping. The fixes/updates to the LMS import require a lot more book keeping during the first pass to figure out how each channel is mapped. The old version wouldn't detect a lot of overlaps that would occur and could easily have channels overwrite each other without any warning or info to the user.
I'm seeing the same problem when trying to convert over my LOR lms file I am getting lots of errors of Pixels unmapped which I just cant figure.

I have no native LOR as I have now converted it all over to DMX channels in S3.

Attached is the error I am getting and also my xlights_network file.




  • xlights_networks.zip
    634 bytes · Views: 2
  • conversion error message.txt
    84.8 KB · Views: 1
The LOR import current requires consecutively numbered universes on the setup page. Thus, you would need to add universes for 1-9, 13-49, etc....