
Be gentle we're only little!!!
Jan 3, 2013
Gold Coast
Ok got a quick question that I think I have figured the answer for, I just want it confirmed
I was looking at purchasing LOR but am now thinking LSP as from what I've read LOR can't do matrix's (or not very well) or do pixel string mega trees? I am just starting out and looking at jumping straight into the deep end (RGB pixels etc) which is something we seem to do (full steam or not at all) lol.
Can someone clarify this for me
For large pixel display LSP has the tools which are lacking in LOR. LSP is a very powerful and complicated bit of software that you can do amazing things with (look at what fasteddy has done for 2012). With the aid of LOR superstar and the Nutcracker app that Sean developed you can do matrices and pixel trees but at this point in time if you want to go with large pixel counts you have to go with LSP. All you need to do is ensure that you have a LOT of free time to get to learn how to drive it. Watching tutorials and popping into chat will give you a running start.
totaly agree with AAH. i used lor for 2 years and moved to LSP last year and am very happy with the software. as AAH says it does take time to learn but well worth it. You never stop learning
I've been considering this same thing lately because I'd like to move towards have a pixel tree, matrix, and several RGB elements in the future. I've use LOR for 2 seasons. What I don't like is the replies I've seen on their forum and in my support tickets where it's obvious that if you want to build a large pixel element they aren't interested unless you are buying LOR cosmic devices. I think they are missing the boat on where a lot of folks will be headed. If they don't want to be left behind they need to develop a lower cost pixel solution. A controller box for every pixel string is not going to cut it. It would cost over $9,350 just to buy the cosmic pixel strings they sell to create a 48x80 matrix. And you would have 39 control boxes to hide. So it looks like most people are finding alternative ways to get the job done for 25% of the cost. I'm going to try to move my sequences over to LSP this year. I think the main benefit is it might keep me away from their forum...I haven't found it to be a very pleasant place to participate.
i totaly agree with you copper. Welcome to the group and i hope you never feel like that here.
I used LOR for 3 seasons and just switched to LSP. I am changing everything over to pixels and the LSP transitions were enough to convince me that LSP was what I needed. I haven't even gotten into the macro's yet.

LOR is great for what it is. If you use their controllers then using LOR is perfect, but if you decide to go into pixels(not just a few CCR's) than LOR will not work for you. That's my opinion.