Manipulating music - Tutorial


Is that Magic Smoke?!?
Oct 18, 2011
No longer in Radelaide
Well, I posted a thread a earlier this week wondering if anyone would be interested in learning how to manipulate music using software for your christmas sequencing, and the response was of the affirmative.

I have now gone through and made a video in the attempt to help others. I have uploaded in HD for those of you with a fast connection, if your on a slower connection it would behove you view in 720 or above.

Please download Audacity here.

This is the software I am using and this will enable you to follow what im doing.

Please remember, this isnt the only way, but I think it is an easy way for people of all levels of computer literacy.

I will make some additional tutorials time permitting, on effects within Audacity along with mixing using other software.

So without further adu, please watch the tutorial.

Thx Matt just finished watching your tute, very informative, now I can do more than just save a file to a different format:)
Thanks very much Matt! This info and video are great.Looking forward to the next lesson!! :) :) :) :) :)
your welcome. I know its a bit dated, but fear not, whilst some info may still be relevent, there are many other still here more frequently then me that will be able to provide good clear and accurate information.