I am new to all this and I am trying to setup my matrix, it is 23 rows x 48 holes each row
Totaling 1104 pixel lights , I have them setup on a baldrick controller using 2 channels
552 per channel
Starting top right horizontal.
My problem is when I send text to it and try to make it scroll from the right it seams to come from both sides and meet in the middle and I can't figure out why
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Cheers Jeff
I am new to all this and I am trying to setup my matrix, it is 23 rows x 48 holes each row
Totaling 1104 pixel lights , I have them setup on a baldrick controller using 2 channels
552 per channel
Starting top right horizontal.
My problem is when I send text to it and try to make it scroll from the right it seams to come from both sides and meet in the middle and I can't figure out why
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Cheers Jeff