mega tree question


New elf
Jan 8, 2012
central North Carolina
I am going to order the pixels for the mega tree that I will be putting in the display for 2024.
The supplier that I am going to use is running a sale this Memorial Day week-end.
This will be my first mega tree, even though I have wanted to do this for several years.
This mega tree is only going to be around 9 to 10 feet tall, 3 meters, without the tree topper star.
The tree topper I am going to use is a 32 hole, 9 inch, 23 cm, diameter.
The strand of lights will be 50 pixels, 2 inch spacing, long.

I was originally going to order 100 count pixel strings and have 50 pixels going up and 50 down coming down
Trying to avoid having to connect all the strings at the top which I was afraid would be crowded.
What I would call a "rat's nest" of a mess at the top of the tree right below the topper.
However got to thinking. Would it be better to do 50 count strings so if/when there are issues
I could simply remove one string of lights and easily have a spare to put in it's place.
Plus, would it be easier handling/ storing 50 count strings verses 100 count-double strings?

So , I am asking for your opinion/advice.
Would you go with 100 or 50 count strings?
And, I know in this hobby a lot is up to personal preference.
However, I thought it would be easier to ask now, than to find out I wish I had done differently later.




Senior elf
Apr 2, 2022
Cherry St., Hudson MA USA
I have one tree with 50 ct strings that just go bottom up, and another tree with strings of 100 that go up and then back down. They're both crowded at the top, and I wouldn't say one is easier to work with than the other, for install or storage...


Full time elf
Jan 2, 2023
If you are going 50 up, I would get strings of 50. That way if you eventually decide to double the density to 1inch, you just hook another 50 at the top and push the pixels.

If you went with 100 strings, you would need to undo half the pixel to enable the density to be doubled. Also, having 2 pixel strips connected together all the time would be a real pain for storage, much easier with just the one strip. It really doesn’t create much extra mess at the top


Journeyman Elf
Generous elf
Jun 26, 2021
So, I'd have to agree with @Johnnyboy that you should stick to strings of 50 to start as it will make things easier when you upgrade the tree later. Originally did the same thing and used strings of 50 up one strand and down the other and ran 4 strands at a time off a single port and works fine to start.

The trick is when you decide to upgrade from the 50 w/ 2 inch spacing to 100 w/ 1" spacing. If you do not plan the lengths properly you will end up having to repush possibly half of the strands once more which is a pain. I went from the single 50 to alternating nodes of 100. The best option I can tell you is to keep extra length at both ends of the strands for later use in upgrading. When going to alternating nodes the layout will slightly change depending on which direction the strand originally started. The first node is always the lowest one so you need an extra inch on the top for when you start at the bottom originally and you need an extra inch on the bottom when you started at the top originally. Luckily, I originally left 3 extra holes at the top due to the way I originally hooked them up to the topper which ended up helping me out a lot. This did mean I needed to cut half the strand to make the tops line up properly on the ones that lined up properly. I also left about 8 extra inches on the bottom which was not that much of an issue and worked well one more.

The alternating nodes allowed me to start at the bottom on all strands and do all the connections at the bottom for PI also. The top still gets crowded with all the connectors but I did try to tuck them close to the strands as I could to even things out.

Lastly, even if you decide to go with 100 and remove and repush all the strands later on I GREATLY recommend you do alternating nodes anyway to keep all the connectors at the bottom and making things easier.


New elf
Jan 8, 2012
central North Carolina
Thanks for the suggestions
I believe I will go with the idea of using 50 count strings
Was doing a rough estimate on supplies needed to do a mega tree plus a high density prop
May have to drop the high density prop for this year or be really good at hiding the credit card bill
Of course I already knew that this hobby can be expensive
A lot of other things involved setting up a display than just buying pixels


Journeyman Elf
Generous elf
Jun 26, 2021
Between the two, I would opt for the Megatree first and skipping the HD prop until next year if there is a choice. I went with a smaller show with a Megatree then a larger show without one. It'll be a main object that the rest of the show can be built around or support. You will be amazed at how much it will give to your show.