Mega trees

Anastasia sidiropoulos

Anastasia (Stacey)
Sep 29, 2017
hi all
I am new to this page. I am from Melbourne and I have been setting up Christmas displays on my own at home for many many years. Neighbour are always expecting to see something new so there is always the added pressure to have something new each year. With advanced technology, I would like to ramp it up a little and see if I can get into programmed lighting. In particular I am looking to set up a mega tree (or may also be know as RGB tree).
I am struggling to find suppliers that sell these trees and I don't have the capability or know how to build on. Can somebody provide me with some guidance on this please.
I have also have a new FB page 'Shaftsbury Lights' which I set up at the 11th hour last year to help promote my lights.
Hi John?
I'd loolimg for a 360 degree tree with nodes I think. As for height, big enough to make a statement e.g. 3-4 meters and not too narrow on the bottom. I've looked online but most are commercial trees that you cannot buy. I also need to consider the power they draw as I don't want to overload. The picture on my profile is my front yard or you can see by FB page Staftsbury Lights which doesn't have much on it at the moment.
Each to their own, however unless you have people walking behind the tree then I don't see the point of a 360 degrees tree. I was also going to do this but opted for the same number of strings (36) but at 180 degrees. I use a 10foot trampoline base to tie the strings to and 5.5m pole (70 pixels high).

Plus one of the boscoyo pixel strips, I use the new ones on the roll.
My display is immersive and everyone walks around in and through it - I am on acerage

I have 2 trees
one is 6 mtrs high 360 degree tree and I have a pvc conduit ring at the bottom . (and a pain to put up)
It is very basic using 48 lots of dumb Red Blue Green White LED strings going up and down.
Next year will see a change to the way it's assembled and I will add spiral strings into the display.

The second is 3 mtrs high, uses a small trampoline base on the bottom and just uses LED string lights from Bunnings
I use a star picket in the ground and place 50 mm pvc tube over it for the "trunk" S hooks that came with the Bunnings lights slip around the top of the trunk and guy ropes hold it all in place. The Bunnings lights are set to twinkle and remain like that through the whole display.

The second tree was oh so popular with the crowd - Women just loved it. It was very soft, easy on the eyes and had a mix of coloured and white leds