Mixing colors


Apprentice elf
Oct 14, 2022
Hi Folks -- two questions for you...

1) In using the butterfly or plasma effects-- is there a way to get the colors NOT to mix? One of our logos is blue and orange, but when I use those colors in butterfly or plasma, the colors will at times mix and I'll get a purple and other in between colors. I only want the Specific logo colors to display.

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I think I understand what you are saying about butterfly but am not 100% sure what you want instead. Here are some things to play with:

1. Putting black (or another neutral color) in between the blue and orange. This works on plasma also.


2. Use layer blending so that there the orange is hidden by the blue (or vice versa)... Note the orange ON effect under the blue butterfly. Other effects can be made to do this but some require making a mask.

3. Try other shaders
Great ideas and both give me my desire effect, thanks.