Multicast traffic stops on wifi connection


New elf
Mar 12, 2012
Hi all,

Hope anybody can help with a (for me) weird problem.
I have a dumb switch where the show computer and a coupple ecg-p12 connects. all is working fine.
On the same switch I have a wifi-accespoint (engenius enh200ext) that connects to a wifi-bridge (engenius enh200ext) and the bridge is connected to an ecg-p2. When I power everything up the multicast traffic doesn't reach the ecg-p2.
If I disconnect the network cable from the ecg-p2 and put this in a computer with sacnview and than put the same cable back in the ecg-p2 I can control the lights for some minute's and than they stop responding again.
If I put the network cable back in the computer and than back in the ecg-p2 all works again for some minutes. and stops again.

If I put a switch between the wifi-bridge and the ecg-p2 and connect a computer with sacnview the multicast "keeps flowing"
I've also tried other wifi hardware but that gave the same result.

Anybody any idea how I can resolve this so that everything keeps working?

Thanks in advance!
ron said:
Are you doing any routing or is everything in the same broadcast range?

Everything is in the same range 10.10.10.x

Greetings, Robert
I don't know if it's for firmware 2.7 but in this post j1sys give's info on uni- and multicast. this and an updated firmware on my wifi-router was stil a no go. When I turned "enhanced multicast support" off in the ubiquity router all is working well for now.....

Thanks all for helping, here and in the chat's!

greetings, robert
Thanks all!

Just finished programming 4500 pixels in HLS, You bet I want all the work on video!!! :D
The parade is february 10th 19:00h. (GMT+1) Everything is tested in parts, testing the whole thing as we build it up! We keep our fingers crossed!!! :-X

Greetings, Robert