My name is Christopher. I am new to wanting to do an outdoor lights and sound display.


New elf
Dec 22, 2020
I want to start this project this year if possible. I want to have beautiful displays while trying to keep it as affordable as possible by doing it diy and add on to it over time. I am good at computers and web design but I have not done soldering/wiring before but I am willing to try. Thank you for your acceptance and wish everyone warm Christmas wishes and happy new year’s blessings for many years to come.
Welcome to ACL. For Christmas 2020 it is a bit late I think, at least as it would pertain to animated RGB lighting. For any of the spring or later US holidays one can certainly get a display in place. I would suggest reading ACL's 101 Manual. It is a good place to start. I would also suggest browsing through the other ACL sections. Problems are also discussed in the ACL Chat Room.