For some time I haven't been happy with my old tune to sign. It was hard to see and I don't think many people saw it, nor realised the show was synched to music.

This year I made a new sign. It is a little bit brighter and easier to see.
In fact it is so bright it now casts a red glow right across the street and onto the neighbours property. If you stand in front of it it will throw a shadow. 8)
It uses approx 1200 x 3mm LEDs, each individually hand soldered and inserted into 3mm MDF panel. I must admit that I completely underestimated the amount of time this would take me to solder. It was about 15 hours to make the sign!

The difference is amazing as far as the people coming to see the show. They now stay a lot longer and listen to the music, rather than just look at an apparent random flashing set of lights.

This year I made a new sign. It is a little bit brighter and easier to see.
In fact it is so bright it now casts a red glow right across the street and onto the neighbours property. If you stand in front of it it will throw a shadow. 8)

It uses approx 1200 x 3mm LEDs, each individually hand soldered and inserted into 3mm MDF panel. I must admit that I completely underestimated the amount of time this would take me to solder. It was about 15 hours to make the sign!

The difference is amazing as far as the people coming to see the show. They now stay a lot longer and listen to the music, rather than just look at an apparent random flashing set of lights.