My Pixel journey begins. :-)


Dec 19, 2016
Hi all!

I’m a relatively “New Elf” at AusChristmasLighting, so as per your recommendations, I just thought I would say hello and give you a brief background on myself and my past Christmas Lights. It would also be good if I could get some feedback on where to start on my Pixel journey.

I live at the end of a small coulter-sack with not much traffic and I also don’t have too much front yard. When my kids were young, we would put up some Supermarket Christmas lights, which they really enjoyed. Over the years it slowly got bigger, but never huge. However, what I found really depressing was finding lights had failed and the tedious process of then finding which light-bulb was to blame!! Then LEDs became more common and they also seemed to last a bit longer, which was great. However, with LEDs, if you did get a failure, with the Supermarket/Bunning's lights, it wasn’t really practical to change them out.

Now my kids have moved out of home, putting up as many Christmas lights as possible just isn’t the same and my lighting displays have continued to get smaller each year.

However, one of the technical Guys at work was talking about these Pixel Lights and I think I got the bug! So my new plan is to have less lights, but a better overall show and that is why I joined AusChristmasLighting.

I just attended the recent Brisbane 2017 Mini, which I thought was really great. Just a call-out to the organisers of the Mini, who all did a great job and the venue was also excellent. Thanks so much!!

I’m now ready to go out and buy my first set of gear, which I much admit is a bit daunting. As per what was discussed at the Mini, I have downloaded some software (which I haven’t had a chance to play with as yet) and I am then planning to set up a virtual display on top of a picture of the front of my house. The plan is to then start off with some colour Icicles (WS2811) strings around the gutters, then a semicircular 3m Tree. I was also thinking about combining some small Christmas Trees with a Jumping Arch incorporated over the top. The good thing about this, is I could mount it on my Garage roof. I doubt I'll get all these elements up and running this year, but at least it’s a plan, not to mention my Wife freaking out about the possible costs of my new hobby.

I’m not bad with making the physical gear and I’m good with heights, but it’s the electronics that have me worried, as well as where to start.

So I’m hoping someone can now point me in the right direction and give me some recommendations? The main thing I need is a Controller and as this is my first time, I was thinking about getting a ready to go unit, in a weatherproof enclosure. So I thought a Christmas Creations- CCD-601 Controller should do the job. Would this be a good starting point, or does anyone have any other suggestions? Also, what else would I need?

Any assistance you could give would be gratefully appreciated.
Welcome to the madness Giles. This is my first year as well so my costs are high, but the way I look at it is I don't have to spend the same amount again next year, or the year after. The only cost would be adding extra and replace anything that needs changing. So averaging it out over 3 years (that's what I tell my wife anyway) the cost comes down. Just add a new sequence and a song and away we go again. Not sure where in Bris you are, but if you need anything let me know and ill do what I can to help. I'm in Albany Creek.

Keeping in lighting em up ;)
Welcome to ACL Giles. You're bound to find the info you need within the forums, wiki or in chat at any time.
Welcome to ACL @Giles1
Don't know that specific controller (I'm wondering if it's a re-badge of the advatek one; ) but I've got one of his DC Controllers for singing trees, quite happy with it. I'm a bit - lazy / time poor / lacking DIY skills / lacking tools and space, so have a few "ready to run"/pre-built controllers; but you'll find most people trying to convince you to build it all your self. :)
You'll also find quite a few people telling you to avoid holidaycoro products, eg: , but personally I've had no issues with them.

Sounds like you're planning a fair bit, so you'll need to map out what you need, how many pixels you'll have will determine which and how many controller(s) you'll need. You may also need to consider power injection.

Disclaimer; read everything I wrote then ignore it, as I'm usually wrong; when it comes to all things pixels :)
Welcome! If you can get past my horrible accent, I've created a few YouTube videos for beginners ( - I figured it was the easiest way to answer "How Do You Do That?" Also, the videos from the mini are excellent and there is an awesome guide available pinned in the noob section.

Welcome to the madness Giles. This is my first year as well so my costs are high, but the way I look at it is I don't have to spend the same amount again next year, or the year after. The only cost would be adding extra and replace anything that needs changing. So averaging it out over 3 years (that's what I tell my wife anyway) the cost comes down. Just add a new sequence and a song and away we go again. Not sure where in Bris you are, but if you need anything let me know and ill do what I can to help. I'm in Albany Creek.

Keeping in lighting em up ;)
Thanks for that. I'm just over at Kevin Grove (behind the Royal Brisbane Hospital), so not too far away from you. :)
Welcome to the madness Giles. This is my first year as well so my costs are high, but the way I look at it is I don't have to spend the same amount again next year, or the year after. The only cost would be adding extra and replace anything that needs changing. So averaging it out over 3 years (that's what I tell my wife anyway) the cost comes down. Just add a new sequence and a song and away we go again. Not sure where in Bris you are, but if you need anything let me know and ill do what I can to help. I'm in Albany Creek.

Keeping in lighting em up ;)
Yeah, you keep telling yourself and your wife that :thumbsup:
As the CLAP takes hold you will be spending more and more, but if you are wise, you will spread it out so as not to feel the pain.
My first year was probably my cheapest, but that was because the wife was sceptical, Now she is the one telling me we need more :cool:

Welcome aboard the crazy bus to pixel town :rolleyes:
Welcome, Last year I had a half working mega tree, this year ill have 2 so be prepared for irrational decisions lol. Enjoy your stay and ask as many questions as you like!
Just be careful mate, looking at that CCD-601 controller, it's only for AC or dumb RGB lights... you would need the CCD-602 for pixels... and like Oz said, not familiar with them as in ease of use... settings... compatibility with xLights... etc.
Very easy to get confused with controllers and the like when starting out... Many many people on here to ask and help if you need it... Has been the only way I've gotten to where I am... and have only JUST started testing!