New member looking to get into RGB next year.


New elf
Dec 30, 2013
Hi All,

I'm looking to get into some RGB next year, I'm going to start learning and this looks like a great place. I currently have 176 LOR channels running. I'll probably want to stick with the LOR S3 software since I already have it. I have seen some cool walls that do animation, which I was thinking would be great for a fence that I have. I'll know more as I begin to read, and I'm sure the there will be some sticker shock, so I may start small and work my way up. I'll definitely be looking for suggestions.


Welcome to ACL. You will find that all the LOR gear you have is still gonna be of use to you.As you learn more you may want to expand into the DMX & E1.31 areas. It all works great together with LOR.
As you expand you may also find other software programs that can work better for you with RGB & Pixels. LOR can up to a certain point. I am a LOR user. But some the members here use different software to do their displays. They all end up making the lights go on & off......Ask around about these programs. Some are free & some cost $$$...
Good luck to you...

to ACL Rob
LOR gear is very reliable IMO .. 4th year using CCR's with no dead pixels, dead power supplies, controller issues or failures of any kind. CCR's are not the cheapest route. Ray Wu (China) RGB lights are cheaper and will work with LOR's DMX ability. So ask lots of questions in the chat for forums before spending $$$.
If you haven't found it yet, the AusChristmasLighting 101 manual is a great resource.
Thanks all, I just started reading that document and have already learned some good stuff. Hopefully I'll learn enough to be ready for next year. Each year people ask me what will be new, hopefully RGB will be include in my display.


Welcome to ACL mate - we are all here to support you in your addiction and draw you down further with the rest of us :D
Welcome Rob,

I am also a LOR user and have gone through the learning process, and I use LOR S3 as well.

Planning to convert to E1.31 next year and have already set up a LAB for testing including a conversion of my Mega-Tree to Pixels. This is a great place for info and help.

First year to sequence here. Went rgb. In small way. Was good to get started rgb they are amazing. I am moving away for lor s3 due to slowdown when getting into large channel counts. I am making move to HLS.
I wanted to be clear about LOR. I am not knocking their software or hardware; both are solid in my opinion. However, even at not so large channel counts (360) this year I could definitely see LOR slowing down pretty significantly. LOR was a good place for me to start, though, as it is a very good "out of the box" experience!!!! I am forcing myself to become a DIYer, as I believe I can spend my $$ more wisely when learning how to DIY.... My 2 cents.