Newb in Georgia


New elf
Dec 29, 2018
Hey all.

I started from knowing absolutely nothing on Halloween night, and managed to get a 10ft mega tree built and programmed by the second week in December. I'm pretty proud of it, given I knew nothing about splicing wires or working with computers outside of Apple systems and Windows. I'm running on Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Falcon F16v3. 12v WS2811 lights. The tree definitely eclipsed my inflatables.

I'm already making plans for next year. I want 2 more trees in various sizes; lights lining my house; several arches; to get my star to work right; and MUSIC. I'm already starting my first light order for next year.

I have questions about how to make my dumb LED strips work with my Falcon controller. I never could get it to work right, and I know it's all about not setting it up right in Xlights.

Anyway, hi y'all.
