
Nathan Wray

New elf
Dec 19, 2017
Hi all, I'm Nathan

Been doing christmas lights for many years and have decided this year to go pixels and controller. So far its doing my head in lol. just been messing around with xlights and have made a sequence but after watching some auschristmas youtube presentations I've basically made a hot mess of a sequence. But anyway onward and upward.


We have a wealth of knowledge here especially with the 101 manual. If you every get stuck, Join in on the chat. Someone will always be to help out
If you ask me about xlights it won't get any better :confused:
But welcome and you are in the right place, because there is a wealth of knowledge here.
for all your basic knowledge, read the 101 manual, after that ask away. The only stupid question, is the one you don't ask.
Welcome to ACL Nathan.
A heap of resources within the site and chat room at any time, but if you want xlights info, checkout the videos at too.