Dedicated elf
New Effect pinwheel. You can vary
direction cw/ccw
Number of arms on pinwheel: 1-6
How thick each arms from 1 to 5 pixels.
Can fade adjust pixels on an arm to make a 3d effect
Each arm can be a palette color or a ranbow color
You can have straight arms or curved
here is first example
pinwheel Effect Settings
username f
user_target AA_MATRIX
effect_class pinwheel
effect_name PINWHEEL2
number_arms 6
number_rotations 1
lines 5
window_degrees 360
frame_delay 100
arm_spacing 1
direction cw
rainbow_hue n
color1 #FF0000
color2 #00FF00
color3 #0000FF
color4 #FF8800
color5 #FFFF00
color6 #8800FF
fade1 100
fade23 66
fade45 33
straight n
show_frame n
seq_duration 3
fade_in 1
fade_out 1
speed 1
submit Submit Form to create your effect
OBJECT_NAME pinwheel
batch 0
Now we will change a few things
pinwheel Effect Settings
username f
user_target AA_MATRIX
effect_class pinwheel
effect_name PINWHEEL3
number_arms 6
number_rotations 1
lines 5
window_degrees 360
frame_delay 100
arm_spacing 2
direction cw
rainbow_hue y
color1 #FF0000
color2 #00FF00
color3 #0000FF
color4 #FF8800
color5 #FFFF00
color6 #8800FF
fade1 100
fade23 66
fade45 33
straight n
show_frame n
seq_duration 3
fade_in 1
fade_out 1
speed 2
submit Submit Form to create your effect
OBJECT_NAME pinwheel
batch 0
Last is setting the arms to be drawn straight , like spokes of a wheel
pinwheel Effect Settings
username f
user_target AA_MATRIX
effect_class pinwheel
effect_name PINWHEEL4
number_arms 6
number_rotations 1
lines 5
window_degrees 360
frame_delay 100
arm_spacing 2
direction cw
rainbow_hue y
color1 #FF0000
color2 #00FF00
color3 #0000FF
color4 #FF8800
color5 #FFFF00
color6 #8800FF
fade1 100
fade23 66
fade45 33
straight y
show_frame n
seq_duration 3
fade_in 1
fade_out 1
speed 2
submit Submit Form to create your effect
OBJECT_NAME pinwheel
batch 0
People with local installs this requires both
Step #5 to get latest code
Step #7 to load up a new database
direction cw/ccw
Number of arms on pinwheel: 1-6
How thick each arms from 1 to 5 pixels.
Can fade adjust pixels on an arm to make a 3d effect
Each arm can be a palette color or a ranbow color
You can have straight arms or curved
here is first example
pinwheel Effect Settings
username f
user_target AA_MATRIX
effect_class pinwheel
effect_name PINWHEEL2
number_arms 6
number_rotations 1
lines 5
window_degrees 360
frame_delay 100
arm_spacing 1
direction cw
rainbow_hue n
color1 #FF0000
color2 #00FF00
color3 #0000FF
color4 #FF8800
color5 #FFFF00
color6 #8800FF
fade1 100
fade23 66
fade45 33
straight n
show_frame n
seq_duration 3
fade_in 1
fade_out 1
speed 1
submit Submit Form to create your effect
OBJECT_NAME pinwheel
batch 0

Now we will change a few things
pinwheel Effect Settings
username f
user_target AA_MATRIX
effect_class pinwheel
effect_name PINWHEEL3
number_arms 6
number_rotations 1
lines 5
window_degrees 360
frame_delay 100
arm_spacing 2
direction cw
rainbow_hue y
color1 #FF0000
color2 #00FF00
color3 #0000FF
color4 #FF8800
color5 #FFFF00
color6 #8800FF
fade1 100
fade23 66
fade45 33
straight n
show_frame n
seq_duration 3
fade_in 1
fade_out 1
speed 2
submit Submit Form to create your effect
OBJECT_NAME pinwheel
batch 0

Last is setting the arms to be drawn straight , like spokes of a wheel
pinwheel Effect Settings
username f
user_target AA_MATRIX
effect_class pinwheel
effect_name PINWHEEL4
number_arms 6
number_rotations 1
lines 5
window_degrees 360
frame_delay 100
arm_spacing 2
direction cw
rainbow_hue y
color1 #FF0000
color2 #00FF00
color3 #0000FF
color4 #FF8800
color5 #FFFF00
color6 #8800FF
fade1 100
fade23 66
fade45 33
straight y
show_frame n
seq_duration 3
fade_in 1
fade_out 1
speed 2
submit Submit Form to create your effect
OBJECT_NAME pinwheel
batch 0

People with local installs this requires both
Step #5 to get latest code
Step #7 to load up a new database