offset/move multiple timing marks


Full time elf
Nov 13, 2018
Hi all,

I'm building up some more of my own songs for this Christmas, and came across one that's syncopated blues/rock rhythm. i.e. the drums are half-off the beat. In other words, the snare is on every "and" beat in the 1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and. This throws out the bar & beat tracker as it's starting a half beat too late.

Other than that it stays in time, but it would be nice to have effects run off the start of the bar according to the timing marks.

Is there any way to offset them all or select and move all the timing marks in a timing track?

Well that was easy but I don't understand why... If I manually set the tempo to 160 (guestimate using my metronome), then both bar and beat tracker is perfect!
Thought I'd followed up on this already, but you can move timing marks en masse. I've used it a few times now to tweak the automatic marks and it really makes the timing look perrrrfect! Leaving this here for future me who forgets :D

First, unselect all the tracks. It looks like a radio button which made me assume you couldn't click on the selected track, but if you do, it unselects it.

Then right-click the track title, and choose "select timing marks".

Finally, shift-click on any mark and you can drag them left or right.