

Full time elf
Jun 21, 2012
Kingston, Ontario
Hi. I was an active member years ago and got into the pixels with the help of this great forum. I have been running a show each year with a p12r but it just seems to have died. I cannot communicate with it and flipping the dip-switches to test mode do nothing. The lights all come up for power and heartbeat on the mother board and it is lighting up a couple of random bulbs in the system. Des anyone have any suggestion?
J1SYS were great controllers and I used them in my show for 10 years. I finally retired my last one from the show this year. I would recommend just get a new controller. I had 2 F16v2's die on me this year on back to back nights. They were 8 years old and sometimes you just gotta move on. Luckily since I'm an xLights developer David sends me Falcon boards for free so they get my full endorsement. And to be fair Dan has also sent me free Kulp boards. Everyone else wants to charge me...lol.