Pigtail pinouts for technicolor


New elf
Nov 30, 2012
Far North Queensland
Just spent a few hours messing with these and the test pattern on my e682, quadruple checking everything I could for wiring....but oh my god the diagrams people use for showing the pinouts seem to diff everywhere you go?
http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/100nodes-DC12V-WS2811-LED-technicolor-pixel/701799_922162404.html I have 400 of these and need to know the actual pinout, is the Arrow side ground or +12v? I believe middle is data. The picture shown is wrong on one side since they both have the reversed pins connected for +12v and ground.

I am using http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/10pcs-lot-3-Core-BLACK-Waterproof-pigtail-20cm-long-each-male-and-female-male-connector-s/701799_1019853359.html these pigtails, which is which for colours? Brown, yellow and blue. Yellow I believe is data. I wish they at least labelled the wires somewhere on the pixels or better yet the connectors.
on the pixels, the side with the arrow IS GROUND..., center is data and the other side without the arrow is 12+. As your looking at the pigtail with the notch down, the left pin is the left wire, center pin center wire and right pin right wire, just line that up with the pixel string.
Ah sweet, thank-you. I guess that's why they didn't work. Had a string of 10 that would blow the fuse straight away when wired with 12v and ground reversed as one of the pictures I saw for them showed.

Once I double check it all works i'll try post some more easily understood pictures so others can avoid my mistake.