Pigtail wiring question


New elf
Sep 25, 2020
Hi guys,

Seems like a dumb question, but just want to confirm before i wire my pigtails into the controller...

Working out which wire is which, is is safe to assume that the order they go into the pigtail plug is the order they are on the actual plug prongs? e.g. below.

Hope that makes sense.

Hi guys,

Seems like a dumb question, but just want to confirm before i wire my pigtails into the controller...

Working out which wire is which, is is safe to assume that the order they go into the pigtail plug is the order they are on the actual plug prongs? e.g. below.

Hope that makes sense.

View attachment 15591
Yes, pretty safe to assume that. Connectors pin out Its pretty universal too, unless production screw it up here and there.
best to use a digital multimeter to confirm continuity!
How would you do that with the pins inside the pixel all coated in resin?
On the pixels cords is more easier to gauge, usually the + and - pin goes straight and you can look true the resin. I did not check mines but you can install the pigtail in one end then measure continuity using the other end of the pixel cord.
There's no way to know due to the coating, but with a multimeter you can know for sure. Once you work that out, write it down and stick to that guide for all of your connectors. That way if you find one that is wrong (btw test EVERY one if you want to incidents) then you know you can avoid using it to avoid any confusion in the future.
How would you do that with the pins inside the pixel all coated in resin?
Unless you install the pigtails yourself I don't see how you could possibly know without checking continuity on each wire and the wire its connected to on the pigtail. Don't wire V+ to data and you should be good. Pretty sure you will get no continuity on the data wire FYI
Pretty sure you will get no continuity on the data wire FYI
That's correct, you don't get continuity on data. :) Found that out myself!

This is the reason I got colour pixel wires! Life is so much easier than the black ones! Especially when the one with the white dot on it is in the wrong polarity! lol.

Usually inside the pixel in the input side (that's a female pigtail you have in your photo there so would hopefully be the output) you'll see the V and Gnd and data wires, and track them back. That's about the only way in my opinion on a ready made set. personally I make my own. :)