

Full time elf
Dec 10, 2018
Ok, so this is my first year of using smart rgb leds. I have a Rpi 3b+, rPI-28D, 10 Strings of 5V Pixels, 3 Hex fuses, and 10 Pigtails. I'll be building a small mega tree: 2m high, 1m wide, 180 Deg.

Now my question is: Do you guys join the pigtails directly to the leds, or use a small fly lead and then join the pigtail to that for the end on the lights?
Depends on where you will be plugging them into. Personally, I have a fly lead from the pixels to the pigtail, that way I have greater flexibility on plugging into the controller. If you had the pigtails directly connected to the pixels with no fly lead then you would need another cable to get to your controller.

I typically order my pixels these days with about 2 - 5 meters of fly lead and then the pigtail connected at the end, previously I ordered the pixels just with a 2 - 5 meter fly lead and wired the pigtails myself.
I connect them all directly, that way if they need to be swapped out or moved to another prop they don't have extra wire getting in the way.
If I need to have a fly lead (ps never head that expression before!) then i'll just make them up as required.
I want to make my own pigtails.. can anyone recommend a connector?

I plan on buying a reel of cable as it is the same to buy 50m and ship as it is to buy a 6m pigtail (go figure) and then wire the connnectors

Edit: spelling