Pixel 3D wireframes


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
I was given a couple of wireframes including a 3D reindeer and santa. I saw the Grinch has popped up a video of some reindeer he did with pixels but I was wondering if anyone has done any wireframe Santa ones and do they have video. Any additional reindeer and santa videos would be appreciated.

This is Grinchs thread
What kind of video? There is a chance that a reindeer and/or a sleigh could make it into a mini video this year. :)
A video of how they look in the display. I currently have 9 wireframe reindeer and a Santa which are single channel led strings and I was given a few extras and more than anything I'm debating on whether to keep them as single channel or convert to pixel.
I have a wireframe star, bells and an angel, all with pixels.
The pixels on the star are good as I can do a very effective twinkle.
On the bells I just control the wreath and each bells as a group as I cant be bothered to map the pixels accurately enough to run effects across them the side to side or top to bottom.
On the angel I have the pixels grouped as wings, cloak, hair, face/hands and trumpet. I sometimes run a twinkle on the wings and quite often change the colour of the trumpet with each bar of the music.
You can see them in this video
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1TCo1Or3sA
but the angel is a bit far back in the display to see properly
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hey allan originally i wasnt real keen on doing the 3d wire frame reindeers as was always happy enough with them as led s . but being married too a crazylightlady and needing too keep her happy as we do ! i proceeded as such and my my crazy lady attached the pixels to reindeers and then i attached required ext leads pigtails power injection etc etc . but then comes the tricky bit i hadnt a frigging clue how to make a custom model ?being 3d frames unlike kitmans flat type reindeers! it took me an enormous amount of patience and attempts too finally get it right.luckily for me i asked question to kieth at last years mini (thanks keith saved my butt)so yes i used xlights generate custom model . found filming the test pattern needed to film objects at such an angle so you can see the snout and full front of the horn elks not sure of actual term ? And also to be able to see all four legs .then too actually creating custom model automatic forget it will not work due too being 3d lights behind other lights in xlights brain too close etc etc .
so go the manual and select each individual light and you will have too lie to xlights a little on locations of rear or opposite side lights where they overlap! I found needed a full crosshairs distance on mouse pointer worked in the end the trickiest area is the snought and then opposite side of body and believe it or not i found the smaller the reindeer the harder it becomes so recommend start with a biggun . filming test pattern also found needed non reflective background and daytime curtains drawn no light on worked for me best(dark but not too dark). we did seven reindeers each being different shape sizes and stance .
Anyways so in answer to your question yes will ask teresa to share some footage !
i run a 15 min loop not sync but animated with pretty much anything and everything i can or could do ! lol wont upload all that !
So was it worth all the grief heartache etc etc yuuup absolutely !!! not only happy wife ! but was a real crowd pleaser !
my only slight dissapointment was the couple of months they where out in the summer sun pixels are starting too brown slightly !
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being 3d frames unlike kitmans flat type reindeers!
My reindeer are also 3d frames not flat, being on the roof it's hard to tell that they are 3d and with the viewing distance it can be deceiving. My Sleigh is also 3d if it was on the ground kids would be able to sit in it, however easier to steal, same as the reindeer which is why it's all on the roof.

All my reindeer however are the exact same size so I only had to create 1 custom model and then copy paste it, however in Vixen there is no easy way to make a custom model so it was a case of clicking every single pixel to get the outline, which also took me ages. I don't think 3d wire frames will ever be simple to sequence.