Pixel controller idea - Standalone


Suburbs of Philadelphia
May 16, 2010
Pottstown, PA USA
OK, so after making a simple coro tree with pixels behind it, i found i REALLY like the thing just running randomly (twinkle mode). Was brainstorming, and thought about what about just make a standalone controller, that you could burn a pic with a simple program to run just one string a pixels in twinkle? Throw it way the heck out in your display and walk away, instead of sequencing and running a cat wire to.

Thoughts? Would it not be cost effective?

Also, couldn't decide on a home for this thread, fee free to move admins :)


Hardware is already done and about to ship
DCG P2 or ECG P2 with the expansion board that has the onboard memory card

Standalone use was one of the design goals of these new items from J1Sys

AussiePhil said:

Hardware is already done and about to ship

WOW, that was fast, can't believe you are shipping me one all ready, just two hrs later. :D :D :D

Have to do some reading now over at J1Sys

Battery operation, now you really got me thinking...(Train, ferris wheel..)

You need to power the pixels, the controllers can be powered from the same source so yep i guess you could do a full battery setup.

as to it being cost effective only you can decide that, for a lot of items i would think not but bigger independant things likes ferris wheels, sleighs etc it is a very valid idea.

I think the only thing pending from J1Sys around this is the firmware to do the sequence capture to microSD card.

The expansion board i spoke of above is the XCG-X2A, more info in the product matrix http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,2423.0.html

