Pixel Pliers

Well finally received the second pair of pliers, and ... they look almost the same.

The ones from "Professional printer&sparepatrs supplier Store" ( https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Exp...iers-for-LED-Channel-Letters/32805285426.html ) do look somewhat better made (the other ones are a bit rough edged). They are $1.42 USD cheaper and they did arrive over a week faster so I'd recommend these ones. Both I'm sure either will do the job adequately.

I tested the first ones I got the other day, and they are easier to insert bullet pixels than just using fingers (even gloved fingers). It's still advised to have something on the other side of the strip to push against, such as a socket or one of the 3D printed items. I may have held the pixel too far up as I left a mark from the pliers on the strip. :( I'd strongly recommend practising on a piece of spare strip first, as there's been reports of people breaking the strip when using them.

Our good friend over at HC are selling these now (surprise surprise) and has a video demonstrating their use:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vJ_Cb_65Xo
i have received some from the a US supplier, they were just the cheap Chinese made ones, cups welded onto the ends of needle nose pliers, so i would recommend, go straight to Aliexpress and save yourself some cash.
Here is 1 pair, misaligned heads, paint peeling off and still unused
Also look at valve stem seal pliers for automotive purposes as most valve stems seals on cars are around 12mm to 15mm diameter I have a feeling they didnt start life out as pixel pliers ?I reckon you may find they Have been renamed and repurposed?
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