Pixel Sequencing - Importing to LOR


New elf
Dec 20, 2011
Hey all, long time LOR user, this year I switched my horizontal roof lines out to pixel strips, end to end Im at 212 pixels, spans 3 universes.
All of my sequences were done in LOR, but this year doing the pixels in LOR was a PAINFUL process, not to mention I need maybe a 30" screen or bigger to see across all 212 pixels in one screen.
Anyway, I see a lot of guys on here with some amazing effects with pixels, even simple things like chasing a color within a color is a chore and a half on LOR.
Is there an easier way? There has to be, if it is a different software package, do any of them allow copy/paste or import in to LOR. Since I have all my elements already sequenced in LOR and just want to spruce up the rooflines that would be my preference.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Probably worth you checking out Nutcracker - a lot of people use it for this exact thing. Sean (the author) has a sub-forum on here so that's your best bet to start with.
I agree, xlights/nutcracker is the way to go. Sean is going to have a tutorial tomorrow night, I'ts posted in the "new Posts" section here. He will be covering how to start in nutcracker, and there are all kinds of tutorials available.
Good Luck
I consider myself not a very accomplished LOR user (my first year to synchronize), but I am at least "familiar enough" with LOR that I figured I should stick with it in this my first year to go RGB. To answer your question, I have been sequencing effects with xlights/nutcracker then exporting the files to dummy files in LOR, then cutting/pasting the effects into my already-defined DMX channels in my LOR sequences. It is working quite well; I have done 7 of my 8 sequences so far with no significant problems. I went this route (probably knuckle dragging route...) because I had already assigned all my DMX channels "one by one" in LOR so I could model my six 60 pixel arches in the visualizer. xlights/nutcracker assigns the DMX addresses, so exporting to a dummy file then cutting/pasting inside LOR was the best way I could think of to do this. I recommend it. I very highly recommend xlights/nutcracker as both are extremely easy to use and it is not difficult to come up to speed on using them. I have not really watched any tutorials or anything and I was able to do all this "on my own" with no significant problems. Some learning curve of course, but not huge. My two cents. I hope this helps.
For initial pixel work LOR in combination with xLights/Nutcracker is not too bad.

It becomes a bit of a chore at higher channel counts but since LOR is a old way for thinking about sequencing it is not easy to switch to some of the other systems.

I have bought LSP this year but was having so much problems to address that I switched back to LOR. I am however of the opinion that in the long run HLS or LSP might prove to be a much better option if you are thinking of pixels in the longer term.

I am also of the opinion that it is better to switch to a new system and get the learning curve over as early as possible. Thus this will be my last year of LOR and I will start in December with a new software package so that I don't overload myself towards the end of the year again.
Thanks for all the info guys. I just downloaded Nutcracker and I can see how it may be a good program to create effects in. I am in the same boat as DanJ and I have already setup all the pixel channels in LOR and so forth so exporting to a dummy file may be the way to go.

I am going to research how to do that.
I am using LOR S3 and Nutcracker. I export clipboards to LOR from Nutcracker for the overall effects. For special critical timing effects I painstakingly us LOR
How do you export a clipboard from nutcracker? I have only figured out how to create a nutcracker sequence and then export it as an lms file.