Playlists and Scheduling


Apprentice elf
Dec 26, 2012
I am using xLights 3.2.6 on Win 7. I have created a sequence of various test patterns for a tree. These all play properly as individual patterns within the nutcracker tab and also play correctly in the sequence they are listed in while in the nutcracker tab. By "propelry" I mean that the pattern on the screen is what I expect to see and the output to the lights similarly so.

Now, when I create a Playlist and Add one of these sequences to the playlist then click on that item in the playlist and click "Play Item" there is no output to the lights at all. When scheduling the Playlist I get a similar result. With the playlist running (apparently) if I switch to the Preview tab I see a black window as well.

When the scheduler is running it starts the playlist on time but also no output to lights.

Am I doing something simple and wrong, or could this be a bug?
...and now, it seems to work just fine :) I have no idea what I did right or wrong. Perhaps I executed a series of steps that left some dirty memory somewhere?