Release release 4.2.0: Built in Papagayo


Dedicated elf
Jan 19, 2012
4217 Greenfinch Dr CO 80126
xLights release 4.2.0: Built in Papagayo

Because of the major work to get Papagayo built into xLights, I am bumping version number to 4.2.0.
This release took nearly two weeks for Dan and Gil to create.
Great job gentleman!.
If you are planning a coroface, look at Dan's video

If you plan on projecting images of singing faces onto your matrix, look at Gil's video

Latest releases are found at
Issue Tracker is found here:

4.2.0 Aug 8, 2015
-- bug(gil) Fix channel map buttons disappearing when resizing dialog. Fixes #313.
-- bug(gil) Prevent crash when doing Import Effects on xLights xml file.
-- bug(gil) Fix sparkles, brightness, and contrast text controls so that sliders update. Fixes #320.
-- bug(gil) Fix right-click crash on grid when no sequence is loaded. Fixes #317.
-- bug(dkulp) Audio at non-full speed stops too early when only playing a range
-- enh(dkulp) Add a "Minimal Grid" option for model group to specify just the area of the given models
-- enh(dkulp) Add ability to have model sizes scaled separately for horizontal and vertical directions
-- enh(gil) Add ability to import lyrics to a timing track.


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
Awesome work Sean, Gil, Dan and the rest of the guys. XL4 was shown off to the guys at the Melbourne meet and greet yesterday and it's almost a universal thing. Everyone is moving from LOR or LSP to XL4.
As I am 1 of those guys and when it comes to sequencing time and setup I end up being time poor I was wondering if there was any likelihood of a "quick transition" setup from LOR S3 to XL4 that would take the visualiser file which has all the channel setups, colours, locations etc and being able to port it into XL4 so that all the channels are there ready to go, props are created and a whole house model is raring to go.

It probably takes me around 2 days each year just updating changes to my lor visualiser and channel setup and if I could transfer all of that previous work into XL4 wholesale then it would free up valuable sequencing time.

Below is a screenshot of what my rough visualiser looks like. There's about 100 different props or parts of props and about 2000 channels with dozens being single channel ones.


  • vis2014.jpg
    236.1 KB · Views: 33


Full time elf
Jan 4, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I think it could be done. I wrote a program that could parse the LOR visualizer files and edit them way before I ever started using xLights.


65,768 Channels, 185 Universes
Dec 31, 2011
Fremont, Calif.
AAH said:
Awesome work Sean, Gil, Dan and the rest of the guys. XL4 was shown off to the guys at the Melbourne meet and greet yesterday and it's almost a universal thing. Everyone is moving from LOR or LSP to XL4.
As I am 1 of those guys and when it comes to sequencing time and setup I end up being time poor I was wondering if there was any likelihood of a "quick transition" setup from LOR S3 to XL4 that would take the visualiser file which has all the channel setups, colours, locations etc and being able to port it into XL4 so that all the channels are there ready to go, props are created and a whole house model is raring to go.

It probably takes me around 2 days each year just updating changes to my lor visualiser and channel setup and if I could transfer all of that previous work into XL4 wholesale then it would free up valuable sequencing time.

Below is a screenshot of what my rough visualiser looks like. There's about 100 different props or parts of props and about 2000 channels with dozens being single channel ones.

LOR uses <universe>.<channel> format.
I was wondering if XL4 could use the same format sometime in the future.
This would solve some conversion issues IMO as we would not have to use actual channel numbers.
The channel numbers increment as you add universes in XL3 and XL4.


Dedicated elf
Jan 19, 2012
4217 Greenfinch Dr CO 80126
Dan julep added the ability to set the start of any model as an absolute channel # or as a e1.31 universe,channel pair. This was released maybe two months ago.