RGB Fan/Arch


Apprentice elf
Mar 29, 2011
Quitman GA
A quick view of the Fan/Arch's I recently completed. (video is short sample only with no audio).
Fan/Arch has 8 fan segments and 9 arch segments. Each Fan/Arch is run by one power supply and (2) 27 channel controllers. These are 6 foot diameter archs and used a total of (4) 300 led 5050 strips for the two arch's. Total of 102 channels with room on each of the controller pair for a 3 channel flood.

background lights off demo:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS0kE794AOs

lights on shorter demo:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG9VymY3xFU
That is a very nice design.
Not long ago people were wrapping pipes with 1 to 3 colors of light strands.
Low voltage RGB and associated controllers are changing and advancing this hobby so nicely.
Now all we have to do is figure out how to get that nice warm fuzzy C9 feel with RGB. :)
They look great! I was wondering if you would post some close up construction photos for a newby!


I'm trying to post some pics but am getting size error with explination that the size is smaller than the max allowed. I see if I can get it figured out, I took a lot of pics during the design and construction.
The arch is 3/4 Schedule 40 PVC and the arch's are strips of coro zip tied to the pvc. At the center is a half circle piece of coro for the coro strips are tied to. Each of the arch strips are 1 foot long (sorry .3 meter), the arch strips are .9 meters each. The power and dmx data for the archs are through 18 gauge 4 conductor speaker wire (white sheathing) and run down the back of the arch strips. All connections run into waterproof connectors . The wood stand visible in the background lights on, was used to help bend the pvc since each piece was only 2.9 meters long. The stand held the pvc while it was left ouside in the sunlight for 4 days to help take the tension out of the pvc. (bending this much puts a lot of pressure on the "T" conectors at the ends. On each end and in the middle is a "T" connecter. These can be slipped over remar or 3/8 conduit for free standing. The height above the ground can be adjusted buy using lengths of PVC (not glued on) to the bottom of the "T" s.
Easly scalable to about any size and less than half the cost of CCR's and who wants to cut a CCR and void the warantee. Cutting a $25 led strip not so scarry. Lots of soldering (455 connections).
Nice job. I built four very similar except the arch was made of 5M 1812 strip. The fan was made from dumb strips like yours.
error uploading pics

When I attempt to attach pics I get the below error? Size is well under allowed.
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 14592 bytes) in /home/auschr1/public_html/forums/Sources/Subs-Graphics.php on line 412
I am building the same thing right now with 9 arms @ 1.6m length using 2811 10IC/m strip.

I am hoping to keep channel count under the 1 universe mark, but I think the arch is going to push it over (can't wait for the ECG-P2).

I used the same construction as yours, but I used an off cut of wood from the local garden store as in the centre.
What happens when you light the fireplace? :)

Nice design. I made several of these last year using incans but only 5 spokes per. You're going to love the way they look in your display.
Looks awesome :) :) :) , waiting for "Somebody" ::) to make me some, just not enough time for me this year anymore :mad:
Bird said:
Now all we have to do is figure out how to get that nice warm fuzzy C9 feel with RGB. :)

Warm Fuzzy C9's that do RGB? They're coming. Just wait.
