RGB strip sequence setup


Full time elf
Sep 24, 2012

I have multiple 2811 strips I am trying to setup in sequencer. I added one DMX device with 150 channels for the first string then converted the channels to RGB. So far so good I think...next I want to add my second strip which so I did the same thing - DMX device 150 channels but they default to circuit 1...I think it needs to be curcuit 151 cause it will be connected to the same dmx universe. Is there an easy way changing all the circuits starting from circuit 151 to 300?

Also is there an easy way in the visualizer to see the strip besides clicking each box and setting it a channel? I can only setup 30 pixels and not the whole strip anyway?

Are you using LSP or LOR?

In LSP it is easy to set the start channel in controller set up.
I would delete the 2 sets of channels youve made so far and then right click on the left where you want the channels added. Select insert device above/below. This time select dmx universe, universe 1, scroll down and pick 304 channels. Then right click and convert to rgb channels, check the box that says "also do this for the following channels" type 100 in there. You then have to delete channel 301,302,303,304. Then you can group the first 50 rgb channels and name it strip #1 and group rgb channels 51-100 and name it strip #2. That will give you all the channels you want on universe 1 numbered correctly. If youve already started sequencing it then just copy what youve already done and paste it into your new channel layout. If there is an easier way I dont know it, sorry.
thanks, thats what i did..i deleted all my channels then added each dmx device with 448 channels and grouped 3 strips. I did that 3 times for my other 2 universes. Now I am trying to figure out if there is a better way to add them to my visualizer. I can select each channel and fill out one pixel but my grid doesnt have enough pixels for all 50 pixels for each strip nor do I want to make all those clicks with the mouse lol...is there a better way?
There are a few props on LOR website. I used the 30pix arch for my 9 arches, I just wanted the appearance of the arches, didnt need exact amt of pixels. Just to get a general idea of what it would look like.
ok anything for strips? im using them for my windows so anything box like?
yea there is. Over in the LOR forums Jeff millard shared his props and fixture files from his visualizer. In there are strips already created. Its about half way down the thread........... http://forums.lightorama.com/index.php?/topic/15271-official-s3-lor-visualizer-props-and-fixtures-attachments/page__st__35

I would open the file that has his complete display and export the elements I wanted such as 50 pixel srings etc and save it to your props library. If you export the elements you want and it ask to keep the channel config click no. Then when you import the prop into your display you can select dmx universe # and starting channel # and the visualizer will fill in all the rest of the channel numbers for that prop. Then import it again and start the channels at 51 for the next string and so on. It goes so much faster than way.
thanks i downloaded the whole display but i do not see where to export? i only see import option?
on the right side where it list the fixtures and props, double click what you want and a box will pop up. In that box is an option to export prop file or if its a fixture it will say export fixture file.
Im setting the dmx universe and address to 1 but dont see where i make it a range of addresses in the properties?
OK I ran the channel wizard too but I only was able to pick dmx universe 1 address 1...is that right? Thanks again.